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Classes re-opening in August 2020

Dear Parents,

I hope you and your family are safe and well.

I am getting in touch to share some good news. Following the government’s announcement yesterday (9th July) regarding team sports, I am delighted to say that we are now preparing to reopen our football classes in August 2020.

We have thoroughly missed working with your children and can’t wait to welcome you all back to our exciting Samba Soccer lessons.

During this time, we have spoken to many of you who have shared with us the struggles your children have been facing. We understand your child’s confidence may have taken a knock and their fitness levels and social skills have been compromised. Rest assured that we will do our part to support them and help reunite them with their friends as safely as possible.

Our football classes will resume in August. However, we will let you know the exact start date within the next 2 weeks once we have confirmed with our venues

In the meantime, pass on the good news to your children while we work hard behind the scenes to create a safe environment for them to enjoy their football again.

If you need to get in touch with us, please email us at as we are running a reduced office team.

Thanks for your patience and support. We’re looking forward to welcoming your child back.

Nilio Bagga
Managing Director
Samba Soccer Schools | 02072052723

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